Join us for about tree hours of high-level talks, demos, discussions and tips & tricks about the Why and How of performance by our amazing experts. Hosted by Smashing Magazine’s Vitaly Friedman. See you there!
Our speakers…
- are knowledgeable and experienced
- provide practical take-aways and examples you can use in your own projects
- show how they work, not just talk about it
- can’t wait to share their knowledge and
- are smashingly nice
Addy Osmani
Addy Osmani is an engineering manager working on Google Chrome. His team focuses on speed tools and frameworks, helping to keep the web fast.
Devoted to the open-source community, the projects Addy has contributed to include Lighthouse (an auditing tool for performance and web best practices), Workbox (libraries for offline-caching files using service workers) and many others.
Addy is also the author of the recent Smashing book Image Optimization.
Robin Marx
Robin Marx is currently a researcher at KU Leuven, Belgium, but will soon join Akamai as a Web Performance Expert. He’s the author of various papers on HTTP/2, HTTP/3 and QUIC and has been a contributor in the IETF QUIC working group for multiple years.
He focuses on creating tools for the QUIC and HTTP/3 protocols that help others debug their behavior and performance. He often talks about web performance at international conferences, making the complex situations more insightful to the wider public. On the weekends, he likes to hit other people with longswords.
- Talk
- HTTP/3 Demo
- On the web
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/rmarx/
Tammy Everts
Tammy is Chief Experience Officer at SpeedCurve, where she helps companies understand how visitors use their websites. Tammy has spent the past two decades studying how people use the web. Since 2009, she’s focused on the intersection between web performance, user experience, and business metrics. Her book, Time Is Money: The Business Value of Web Performance, is a distillation of much of this research. She also co-curates WPO Stats, a collection of performance case studies.
Vitaly Friedman
Vitaly Friedman loves beautiful content and doesn’t like to give in easily. When he is not writing or speaking at a conference, he’s most probably running front-end/UX workshops and webinars. He loves solving complex UX, front-end and performance problems.
- Talk
- Smashingly Fast Quiz 🚄
- Talk
- Panel Discussion
- On the web
- https://smashingmagazine.com